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Contrary to popular belief, January is destined for more than hibernation and dieting. It is the month of newfound freedom. Why? You’ve done the obligatory family gatherings, you shopped until you dropped, listened to Jingle Bells on repeat and ate a dozen cookies a day during the month of December. (Or maybe that’s just us.) We loved the festivities of the holidays but we’re ready for something new!

Say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019 with open arms. We have fresh, fantastic promotions to usher in January. Take this opportunity to take care of yourself, to do the things you never have time for and make it YOUR year.


We look forward to seeing you!


Make The New Year Your Year


You don’t need to go far to feel like you’re on a relaxing vacation! Gift yourself a full day of renewal or find a couple of hours to get away! We tailor experiences to your desires and needs.


Greet The New Year With A Fresh Face!

What’s keeping you from having the best skin of your life?


This is the year you ditch the drab to find the fab! Fabulous skin is within reach. We will customize a treatment plan to address your specific concerns.


Restore Moisture And Ditch Dry Skin With The Best!

Say sayonara to scaly, flaky skin with personalized recommendations we offer in the spa. Come on in for the best cleansers, toners, lotions and moisturizers.


Have a specific concern? We are happy to provide skin consultations, too!


Melt Away Tension And Stress With A Relaxing Massage

No more excuses! Now is the time to take care of yourself. If you’ve been experiencing pain, tension, stress, headaches (the list goes on and on), stop putting off your health and well-being. Massage alleviates all these ailments and is oh-so-relaxing!


Start a Gratitude Journal


A gratitude journal is a great way to combat the January blues. Plus, it’s a happy habit to start at the beginning of the year. Keep what you’re grateful for at the top of your mind by writing it down. It may seem silly at first but once you get started, you’ll feel a powerful sense of happiness with each journal entry. 

Start small; for example if you wake up early after a poor night’s sleep and your day isn’t off on the right foot, take out your journal. Be thankful you have a pillow to lay your head on, a blanket to keep you warm and a whole pot of coffee to make up for the lack of sleep.


There is a love/hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions, and we think it’s because we almost always fail to keep them. The percentage of Americans that stick to resolutions is under 10%. So we thought maybe we are all going about this wrong. There has to be a better way.

There is! Instead of setting unattainable, specific goals, try more open-ended goals that give you a little wiggle room. Bonus! We’ve also included tips for keeping these resolutions.

1. Take Care Of Your Skin
Don’t allow dry winter skin to be a problem. You must adjust your skin regimen to prevent dry, lackluster skin and promote glowing, healthy skin all season long.

2. Sync Your Sleep Schedule
Few things are as important as a good night’s sleep. And over time, lack of sleep can affect your health in both minor and major ways. Setting a lights-out timer is one of the easiest ways to avoid a sleepy morning. Set an alarm; put your lamp on a timer; whatever you have to do to follow the “rules,” do it. Your body will thank you!


3. Maximize Your Time
Juggling work, family, exercise, home maintenance, meal prep and everything else is hard. When your to-do list is a mile long, set yourself up for success by creating task increments. It’s as easy as it sounds. Set a timer for 30 minutes and spend that time working on one task. Then move on to the next. When you reduce distractions (we’re looking at you, Instagram), you will be amazed at how much you get done.

4. Eat More Mindfully
We will be the first ones to admit that we have a sweet tooth. Here’s the problem. Sugar is highly addictive, so the more you eat, the more your body craves it. If you stopped eating sugar for a full year (crazy, right?!), your taste buds would adjust and your body wouldn’t crave it anymore.

But let’s be real. Life in moderation is the name of the game and it’s a lot more fun! Being more mindful of the food you put in your body is important. We like to eat healthy throughout the day and reward ourselves with a special treat after dinner. It might sound like we’re scheduling meals for a toddler, but this works, we promise!

5. Keep Your Doctor’s Appointments
Do you skip physicals, vision check-ups and dental cleanings on the regular? Stop. Always make time for preventative check-ups. They are quick, easy and vital to your continued health. If it’s easier for you, schedule all check-ups at the beginning of the year so that you won’t find an excuse not to call.

After you read this, go call your doctor!

6. Self-Care Should Be Top Of The List
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine. And we know how good it feels to collapse on the couch and drown out the world with T.V. But make an effort to put self-care at the top of your list. This doesn’t have to be extravagant. It just means you’re putting your needs first. Figure out what that looks like for you.

Here’s what it looks like for us. We love coffee dates and happy hours with friends to blow off steam. We also love getting our nails done, because we like to look pretty. We love one-on-one time with those we love, because life is short. And we love a day at the spa to relax, rejuvenate and restore ourselves.

If finding the time is where you fall short, consider scheduling your self-care days a month or more in advance so you see it on your calendar. These are non-negotiable.

Just remember,  it’s easy to have a goal, but acting on it is where most people fall down. We love to follow Mel Robbin’s 5 Second Rule, which is such a snap. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it. 

Try this with your resolutions and see what a difference a year makes!


Warm right up with this super-easy and delicious soup!


See you soon at Alta Spa!

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308 East State Street
Ithaca, New York 14850

info@altaspa.net | 607-273-6818

Spa Hours
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday & Monday: Closed