What an exciting time of year! The leaves are falling, and the air is crisp and fresh. Apple picking, fall festivals and pumpkin patches are all around us. You’re going to love the treats we have for you in October! It’s a great month to unwind and relax at the spa before the holiday season.
But it’s also a time to be vigilant, as it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Take time to educate yourself and take preventative measures to stay healthy and happy. Do your part in planning to detect the disease in its early stages and to encourage others to do the same. In a month known for candy and putting on unwanted pounds, it’s extra important to remember to eat healthy. World Vegetarian Day (Oct. 1) highlights the benefits of eating only fruits, vegetables and nuts. Of course, we get to spook ourselves a few times this month with Friday the 13th and Halloween (Oct. 31). Safely enjoy jack-o’-lanterns, costume parties, and tricks or treats with your family and friends. This month is bursting with activity! Check out all the wonderful promotions we have in this month’s e-zine! We promise, they won’t scare you! We wish you a festive October from all of us here at Alta Spa!
Day Spa Treats all month long
Check out all the spooktacular promotions we have in store for you!
No tricks, just results!
The Fall season, with the holidays approaching, is a perfect time to focus on facial rejuvenation. We have a variety of peels to make your pores look smaller, diminish fine lines, even skin tones and regain elasticity.
Reserve any Anti-Aging Treatment and receive a complimentary Eye Treatment!
All this month, stop by with a friend who has not been to the spa and you both will receive a $15 Gift Card to apply toward future treatments!
Happy Halloween!
It can be easy to forget or not make time for something.
But you can’t ignore breast cancer. Excluding cancers of the skin, it’s the most common cancer among women. No woman is immune from the possibility of getting it.
Thankfully, during the entire month of October, breast cancer organizations raise extra awareness for the disease via the color pink.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a perfect time to re-educate ourselves and others on how to detect this killer in a timely manner. Women, and men, are reminded daily about early detection, causes, diagnosis, treatment and support.
Breast cancer affects women of all races. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer accounts for nearly one in three cancers diagnosed in U.S. women. The National Cancer Institute shows one in eight women (12.3 percent) being diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and more than 30 percent diagnosed after the cancer has spread beyond the localized stage.
Some risk factors, such as age and family history, can’t be changed. But there are lifestyle and preventative changes you can make or modify to lower your risk of developing breast cancer.
Here’s what the Mayo Clinic recommends:
Limit alcohol: Limit yourself to less than one drink per day. And don’t ignore water! It’s the best thing for you.
Don’t smoke: There’s a link between smoking and breast cancer risk, particularly in premenopausal women. And we shouldn’t have to tell you about the lung cancer risk for smokers.
Control weight: The risk of breast cancer increases if obesity occurs later in life, particularly after menopause. Eating a healthy, fiber-rich diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruits is important. Keep sugared drinks, refined carbohydrates, and fatty foods to a minimum. Also, try to eat lean protein like fish or chicken breast instead of red meat.
Be physically active: The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly, plus strength training at least twice per week. A good start is a 30-minute walk five days per week.
Schedule mammogram: Talk with your doctor to determine the appropriate mammogram schedule for you. This includes the frequency of check-ups.
Doing these things will provide peace of mind and help keep you aware of any changes your body may experience.
Finally, as you strive to achieve maximum health, the spa will continue to support your goal to achieve whole-body wellness. Reducing stress is key, and we can help through a multitude of treatments to help you look and feel better.
So, what are you waiting for?
It’s the holiday season, and that means it’s time to get out those special recipes. Pumpkins are all around us this month.You might as well make good use of them with this hearty, Pumpkin Ravioli dish. Serve it up in small portions as a first course, that way guests will more likely try it. And enjoy it!
See you soon at Alta Spa!
308 East State Street Ithaca, New York 14850
info@altaspa.net | 607-273-6818
Spa Hours Tuesday - Saturday : 10:00am to 6:00pm Sunday & Monday : Closed