Massage is worth having as part of your beauty and health regimen no matter what other treatments or procedures you choose to enhance your appearance, . Having regularly scheduled massage is a great way to keep your whole body relaxed, rejuvenated and fit. Go on call for a massage today 607-273-6818.
Certified massage therapists will be happy to advise you on the massage therapy that best suits your need and comfort level. Massage not only relieves pain in the body; it keeps the skin toned due to increased collagen production from massage contact, reduces stress, focuses the attention, boosts your immune system, keeps your muscles and joints limber, and releases endorphins and serotonin, lifting your mood and allowing for better sleep patterns.
Different types of massage is done here. It includes:
Swedish massage: The Swedish massage is designed to stimulate blood circulation, reduce muscle tension to relieve aches and pains and also to give an overall relaxing and stress relieving experience. It involves the five classic strokes – gliding, kneading, friction, vibration and percussion.
Shiatsu massage: Shiatsu massage uses finger and palm pressure, stretches and other massage techniques to stimulate the body to enable it to heal itself .
Deep tissue massage: The Deep Tissue massage releases chronic patterns of tension in the body through the application of slow and deep pressure strokes.
Trigger Point: Trigger point massage targets the painful knots that can form in the muscles. Moderate pressure is applied to these points and held for 30 seconds. After releasing, the pain associated with these knots is greatly reduced.
Hot stone massage: Hot Stone massage uses the healing power of warm volcanic stones. The deep penetrating heat from the stones relieve muscular tension.