Warm breezes and sunny skies are what summer is all about! While we all love spending time outdoors in the wonderful summer weather, we must always remember to protect our skin, as well as our bodies, during the summer months.
Be sure to stay hydrated when enjoying summertime activities. By the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day (or more when you're especially active in warmer weather) will ensure your body gets the water it needs to function properly.
Wear a hat and sunglasses. Since everyone knows sun exposure causes skin damage such as wrinkles, dry blotchy skin and various forms of skin cancer, it is very important to wear protective covering and limit your time outdoors.
Use sunscreen daily. Using a high SPF sunscreen every time you are outdoors will protect your skin during times of prolonged exposure to the sun's harmful rays and keep it looking healthy.
Not sure which is the ideal sunscreen to protect you and your family? Stop by Alta Spa for a professional recommendation.